Joshua Sacks - October 2020 Kozi Graduate

Kozi was an excellent opportunity to really develop a skill from the ground up. Prior to the course I had used some programming language in my university course but had struggled to understand it in any meaningful way. By the end of the course, I not only understood the programming I had done on a deeper level but learnt a host of new programming and web design skills.

The teaching made the complex world of coding approachable, manageable and engaging. The group gained the fundamental skills involved with website design, from the programming side, through to content and formatting and the user experience side.

For me personally, I have a background in finance, economics and business, with practically no technical experience. Following this course, I have managed to secure a job offer from and technology consultancy, in a Cost-Optimisation role. Without the technical skills I developed from this, being successful in this application would have been almost impossible.

During the down time, Lucy created a friendly, fun and relaxed atmosphere. She is an excellent cook and gave everyone the chance to decide how we spent each evening. The flexibility really made everyone comfortable which in turn allowed us to optimise our time which was spent studying, about 6 hours a day. Towards the end of the course, we were given the opportunity to programme our own project, with the supervision of the course teacher. Since completing the course, I have added to this project and undertaken others, further developing my skills.

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Lucy Gore